Friday, January 22, 2010

Check Up

Today marks the first day of the 5th month and I thought I would post a check up for everyone. Last Friday, Jesse and I went to the doctor for our monthly checkup and we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat which the doctor said was a nice and strong heartbeat.  It was a wonderful sound to hear. I was a little worried (as I think most first time mothers are) because I want to know everyday that everything is fine in there and, other than the occassional morning sickness I'm still getting, I don't get much of a response from Chicken Little.  I also had blood work done during that visit to check for birth defects and everything was normal so we are very thankful for that.

Frequently Asked Questions:
1.) How are you feeling?
          I feel good most days, aside from the occassional sick days and morning vomiting, but its much better than it used to be which I'm thrilled about.

2.) Have you felt the baby?
          No, not yet. I'm still patiently waiting and find myself poking my stomach just to get some kind of response from Chicken Little but s/he continues to be stubborn and won't play my game.

3.) When can we see "belly pictures"
          Here's One for week 18:
4.) Boy or Girl?
          We're not sure yet. My doctor said that we won't have another ultrasound until the 24th week which will be late February/early March but our next appointment is February 12th and I will be 21 weeks along by then and we are HOPING that he will give us an order for an ultrasound. For the time being we have a poll that we'd like people to take whether they think it's a boy or a girl.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Life's New Adventures

Well, Jesse and I have been married 5 months now and we're expecting our first bundle of joy 5 months into the future (June 26th to be exact). Since our friends and families are spread out across the U.S. we thought this would be a great way to keep them all updated with our lives and upcoming baby news. We've already realized that people like hearing about baby news....alot....even if there's nothing to report.

We had our first ultrasound about a month ago and the baby was a wiggle worm. It was hard for the ultrasound technician to get a good photo but we were able to get a photo of the front and the back. It was a great experience...Jesse was amazed at how active Chicken Little was. For those of you who dont know, Chicken Little is the nickname Emily gave for the baby until we find out if its a boy or girl. Which we won't find out till late February/early March. Jesse thinks its a boy but I'm leaning more towards a girl. We'll just have to wait and see!