Saturday, July 24, 2010

For Your Viewing Pleasure

Here's a short clip of Avery just wiggling around and making faces. Videos are so much better than pictures and I want to make sure that people don't feel like they're missing out on her growing up. I didn't record it with our video camera so there isn't sound but her facial expressions are entertainment enough! She has definitely discovered her tongue!

One thing I wished I would have caught on tape today was her rolling over. She was doing some tummy time and she rolled completely over from her stomach onto her back. She's so advanced and growing so fast! She'll be crawling soon!

Friday, July 23, 2010

1 Month Old

Today is Avery's 1 month old birthday. She went to the doctor today and got her 2nd Hepatitis B shot. One of the most heartbreaking things a parent could witness is their child getting a shot...but it has to be done. She now weighs in at 9lb 10oz and 22.5 inches long. She's growing like a weed! She continues to be observant and is starting to love car rides because she can gaze out the window. She's starting to discover new things every day, one being her voice. She grunts and coos among the normal screams and cries.  She has mommy and daddy wrapped around her little finger and she knows it!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Many Faces of Avery

Avery has so many different facial expressions that it's entertainment enough just to sit and watch her. Especially when she's sleeping. Here are a few shots I captured before, during, and after she was sleeping.

This is Avery's "observing" face. When she's looking around she puckers her lips. This might be one of mine and Jesse's favorite faces!

...and another!

Don't be frightened, she isn't screaming, just letting out a BIG yawn!

These are her "googly eyes." We also call this face her "exorcist" face. She makes this face when she's trying to fight going to sleep. Her eyes sorta wander around in her head. Its kinda creepy but still cute!

This is her "I've had such a hard day" sleeping face.

She sometimes makes this heartbreaking sad face when she's sleeping. She doesn't start crying and it soon goes away but it always makes me wonder what she's dreaming about.

This is Avery's "Im pushing out a poop" face!

This is her "I'm not getting enough attention so I think I'll cry" face.

Her precious "smiling" face

...and another

Her "shocked" face. She makes this face when she feels something unexpected on her body. Her eyes get really big and she flares her arms out really wide. She usually does this when she's being changed and feels the initial cold wipe on her bottom. 

She has hundreds more but trying to capture all of them is hard to do. I should just video tape her one of these days.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2nd Photoshoot

Yes, I attacked Avery again today for another photoshoot. She was sleeping so soundly and I knew she would have to be for the photos I wanted to get. I didn't get all the poses I wanted but here's what we came up with for now:

My Little Elf Baby

She's Showing Off A Little Grin

I love little baby bummies!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Has It Been 3 Weeks Already!?!

Tomorrow is actually Avery's 3 week "birthday" but we went to the doctor today and I thought I'd post an update since it's been awhile. We went to the doctor two weeks ago and the pediatrician was a little nervous at the fact that Avery had lost 8oz since birth. We struggled a little at the start with breastfeeding. Either she was too tired and would fall asleep during eating or we just weren't connecting but that soon resolved itself! Her appetite soon picked up and now it seems like I can't keep up with her! So today was just a check-up to make sure she was gaining weight and boy did she ever! She gained a pound and a half in two weeks! She now is up to 8lbs 15oz and she's filling out all over. The pediatrician was amazed to see just how observant she is. He was also surprised to see that she's smiling. He says babies don't usually smile until a month old and the fact that she is already shows intelligence. Aww, she must take after her mom ;o)

I also had a little amateur photo shoot at the apartment the other day and took a couple photos of Avery when she was asleep. I bought a few newborn hats online from a woman who crochets them mainly for photo props and thought I'd put them to good use. I only got 3 good pictures of her before she had enough and got mad at me :o)

(Not part of the photo shoot but just a cute shot)

She's an excellent baby. She has been getting a little fussy around 7pm but walking around the aparment with her seems to calm her down the best. She sleeps really good (almost too good) and if I'm not careful, we both sleep through feedings.

The weeks have been flying by and I'm really anxious about going back to work. It's going to be hard leaving her but I know she'll be in good hands with her daddy. She's a blessing to have around and sometimes when I look at her I'm amazed by her. To think that just 8 months ago, she looked like a little peanut in my tummy!