Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Hurry Up & Wait...

It's been awhile since I've posted anything and now that we're getting closer to the due date I thought I'd bring everyone up to speed. We just got back from the doctor today and he said that I am dilated to a 3 which is exciting that actual progress has been made. I feel no different...no braxton hicks...no real contractions...no slight twinges...nothing.  He says that if nothing happens by next week, he will induce me in the middle or near the end of next week. I think I need to invest in a yoga ball. Maybe doing a little bit of bouncing will irritate her just enough to make her wanna come out! Other than that, nothing is new. I'm feeling fine, other than having to waddle a little.  We go back to the doctor on Friday and we'll keep you updated with everything. Wish us luck!

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