Friday, February 12, 2010

5 Month Checkup

Today was our 5 month checkup. Everything went as it normally does...blood pressure, urine sample, check the heartbeat, measure my uterus...tell us that we have to wait THREE MORE WEEKS FOR AN UTRASOUND!! We should get a record for the couple who had to wait the longest to find out the sex of their baby. Our doctor is extremely old fashioned and won't budge with this "not another ultrasound 'till 24 weeks." We had our fingers crossed just hoping he would give us an order for one and nothing. So we go back in on March 3rd for another checkup and then the nurse will schedule the ultrasound. I wasn't happy to hear the news but Jesse REALLY wasn't happy. We got in the car and he said "why even have an ultrasound that late....what's the point?" He's so rational when he's angry ;o) but despite our frustration, we're not going to be babies about it. I mean really, 3 weeks isn't going to kill us.  Other than that, the appointment went well. Everything is as normal as it can be. S/he is still moving around in there everyday so I know s/he's ok.

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