This is Avery's "observing" face. When she's looking around she puckers her lips. This might be one of mine and Jesse's favorite faces!
...and another!
Don't be frightened, she isn't screaming, just letting out a BIG yawn!
These are her "googly eyes." We also call this face her "exorcist" face. She makes this face when she's trying to fight going to sleep. Her eyes sorta wander around in her head. Its kinda creepy but still cute!
This is her "I've had such a hard day" sleeping face.
She sometimes makes this heartbreaking sad face when she's sleeping. She doesn't start crying and it soon goes away but it always makes me wonder what she's dreaming about.
This is Avery's "Im pushing out a poop" face!
This is her "I'm not getting enough attention so I think I'll cry" face.
Her precious "smiling" face
...and another
Her "shocked" face. She makes this face when she feels something unexpected on her body. Her eyes get really big and she flares her arms out really wide. She usually does this when she's being changed and feels the initial cold wipe on her bottom.
She has hundreds more but trying to capture all of them is hard to do. I should just video tape her one of these days.
All of her little facial expressions are so stinking cute! That picture of her taking a bath makes me laugh every time I see it! What a little sweetie! Lovies and huggies from Auntie!