Monday, March 22, 2010

Glucose Test Results

A few weeks ago I had to take a 1 hour glucose tolerance test. Which is a routine test for many pregnant women from week 24 -week 28 to test for gestational diabetes.  For those fortunate enough to not know what this test is, I had to fast for 12 hours (ok, I can do that), go into the lab at 8am (alright, I can roll myself out of bed), have the tech draw my blood (I'm getting used to being poked and prodded), drink 10oz of lemon-lime glucola in 5 minutes which is basically lemon-lime flavored syrup water (not the most appetizing drink when you have nothing in your stomach), sit there quietly and wait for an hour (longest hour of my LIFE), then have the tech draw my blood again. Then I was able to go home (Yay!). Glad I got that done and over with....or so I thought.

The nurse called last Wednesday and informed me that my levels were "just above normal but enough so that I had to do it again." This time, it was a THREE HOUR TEST!!  Needless to say, I was not the happiest at that moment. Because my levels were just above normal on the first test, I wasn't worried of not passing this test...I just didn't want to do it...again...for THREE HOURS!!  So last Friday I did it all over again....fasted for 12 hours, rolled out of bed and into the lab at 8, got poked for the first time by the tech, drank the nasty lemon-lime drink in 5 minutes, got queezy for the first 45 minutes, got poked by the tech for the 2nd time, waited an hour, got poked again for the 3rd time, waited another hour and then got poked again for the 4th (and with any luck) the final time. Then, I was able to go home and devour the Hersheys Cadbury egg Randi gave me the night before that I had been saving as my reward for surviving the test.

Well, today I called the nurse and heard the most wonderful 4 words a pregnant woman could hear..."Your levels are normal."  So, no more glucola, no more waiting, no more blood tests (at least for now), and above all, no gestational diabetes!! Hopefully this was the biggest hurdle of this pregnancy...other than the labor part!  

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